
I know a handful of bloggers that will cringe if they will take the challenge of Maxipeel. For so many years, I avoided this brand when walking down the aisle of the skincare section. With what I saw from our helpful kasambahay down to my titas and other friends that already used this one. All of them got the same effect, sun-burned and damaged skin. I almost doubted it to be labeled as “skincare” when it only make my family and friends’s skin condition worse than before. That being said, I never bother to use this not until last year when they released the MaxiPeel Fresh and Natural Skin Purifier which I reviewed before and love the effect on the skin. This time, I accepted the challenge of using MaxiPeel. Read on for the whole story.

It took me a lot of courage to finally accept this and all I am thinking that time is if it is worth to destroy my face? With all the bad reviews and impressions about this brand, I can’t help but fear about what may happen to me when I use it. Then a few days later, MaxiPeel released a commercial about Jeff who is brave enough to take the challenge. I did not pursue that time and just check her out, watched all her videos if it would really work for her. After few days of watching and checking what is going on with her the time when there are no more visible peeling and redness, I took the challenge. Bought everything even the facial scrub incase I will need that after using the solution. On June 4, 2016 late at 9 pm is the first start of my use of the whole line. From Facial wash, Solution, Moisturizer and Sun Block. This post will be parted into two. First Part is for the first impression then Second Part is for the Final review + Results. Please note that this post is overdue, I want to check my diary (Yes I used a diary for reviewing MaxiPeel) to make sure that I did not miss any important details. Also because, I want to have an allowance of time for my skin and check if there is some further changes that will occur.

To start this first part, here is the routine for the morning and evening:


  1. Facial Wash
  2. Moisturizer
  3. Sunblock


  1. Facial wash
  2. Solution No.2 (Moderate is for those that have 3 or more pimples on each side of the face)
  3. Moisturizer
  4. Sunblock

Moisturizer is not necessary in morning use but I used it on my cheeks and sides of nose and mouth where dryness occur.


The MaxiPeel Facial Wash is a foaming cleanser that has a minty scent to it. Very refreshing on the face but I can already sense from first use that it is a very harsh type of facial wash. Though it does not contain any beads, it has a high content of alcohol and acid to it without any glycerin or glycolic acid to counteract the effect of alcohol. Meaning it is pure chemical and alcohol that I am putting to my face. With my first wash, it is kind of refreshing massaging it into my face afterwards, upon rinsing it immediately made my skin taut. It cleanses my skin deep down removing the impurities and dirt the downside is that it is too drying for me.


Ahh, the iconic MaxiPeel Exfoliant Solution which everyone is talking about with mix impressions about it. This has Tretinoin and Hydroquinone both were used to treat pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. It penetrates deep down to the pores, kills the bacteria by purging it above the skin while exfoliating the skin as well. These are powerful chemical exfoliator ingredients, please use carefully.

Among all the products that I have tried, this one is the scariest to try. First because of the chemical solution it contains that may either break you or heal your acne. As what other people will say, “Hiyangan lang.” Please note that this exfoliant solution does not contain any moisturizing properties because it is made to purely dry up your pimples and exfoliate the skin thoroughly. A moisturizer or cream is highly suggested to be use afterwards. With the first week of using, it doesn’t sting me but the scent is very chemical like I am sniffing alcohol. It does make my face a little bit red though after use but there are no tingling sensation prior from one week of using. On my 9th day of use, I feel a tingling sensation that leads to a burning sensation like my skin is actually burning. I am torn about giving up and washing my face immediately, what I did is face to an electricfan to ease the burning feeling a bit then applied a thick layer of moisturizer.  By 11th day of use, yes tiniis ko. Lol. My face was really really red and small bumps are starting to appear on my face. I stopped using the exfoliant solution and just proceeded with the moisturizer after washing my face. This happened for 3 consecutive days. My skin can no longer take the chemicals I put on it and I know giving it a bit rest will be good.



The moisturizer is a cream type, no ingredients listed so I can’t give you any information about that. It smells powdery and clean, feels light on the skin at first but kind of turns my face oilier and feel heavy afterwards. It is not hydrating nor moisturizing but it is good to ease the burning feeling.


Sunblock is very important for everyday use and is highly needed when you are in an exfoliating process because exposing your exfoliated/renewed skin to the sun will just burn it, the harmful rays of the sun can penetrates sensitive skin easier. Dermatologists advised to use a sunblock with atleast SPF 30 to protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. This sunblock contains a lower amount of SPF so I advise to re-apply every 3 or 4 hours even when you are inside a building or at home. It feels thick and heavy on the skin making it slower for this sunblock to be fully absorb. What I like about it is it feels mild and I can sense that it has a low content of alcohol because my skin doesn’t react to it upon applying. Most sunblock that I have used, has a slight heat to it upon applying but this one doesn’t.

Sorry for a very long post, I want to fully describe each product first and my impression about it so you can have a better idea of Maxi-Peel. Please wait for my Part 2 for the results and my final verdict about this line.

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